
Why are 60% of the books in the sociology section of the borders about food?

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potted meat food product

My day care provider informed me today that my one year old is a fan of “little hotdogs.” I asked her if she meant the Gerber Graduates, which has little hot dogs in a jar, but she told me no, and said she would go in the house to show me what she was talking […]

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I’m often asked why I am a vegetarian – is it for health reasons, moral reasons, or both? For me, it is both, and very difficult to separate one from the other. A principle of yoga is ahimsa, or non-violence/non-harming/non-injurious. Along with the concept of karma, and the adage “you are what you eat,” I […]

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Food (this needs a more interesting title)

Friends of mine often laugh at how much money I spend on food each week, generally about $150 to feed 2 adults and one toddler (the baby is breastfed – it will increase if/when she gets formula and starts eating solids). One friend actually said, “Y’all spend that much and you ain’t even fat!” Can […]

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